
Showing posts from December, 2022

Shocking Statistics About Kidney Donation

Kidney Donation Statistics Kidney donation is becoming increasingly important as more and more people need kidneys. Thankfully, this is a life-giving donation that can use living donors. But how common is the donation process? These statistics shed some light on the realities of kidney transplants in the United States . Need for Kidney Donors Continues Growing These statistics show how important living donors and the  paired donation program  are in the kidney donation process: Each month, 3,000 new kidney patients are added to the waiting list. That’s an average of one person every 14 minutes. Each day, 13 people die waiting for a kidney transplant. Each year, around 3,700 people on the wait list become too sick to receive a kidney. Long Wait Lists Common Kidney patients need donors that are a perfect  kidney match , and this leads to long wait times. According to the National Kidney Foundation: There are currently 100,791 kidney transplant patients waiting for k